What is it like to live in Alabama?

Living in Alabama is an amazing experience. From its diverse wildlife, to its unique culture, there is something for everyone. The climate is mild and the scenery is beautiful. With its outdoor activities, local events, and friendly people, Alabama is a great place to call home. The cost of living is relatively low, making it a great place to stretch your budget. Whether you enjoy outdoor activities like fishing and hiking, or exploring the city life, Alabama has something to offer. With its rich history and culture, you won't be bored living in Alabama.

Written by

Caleb Kline, Mar, 21 2023

Has Birmingham always been the biggest city in Alabama?

Birmingham, the largest city in Alabama, has not always been the largest city in the state. In the early 1900s, Birmingham was the second largest city in the state, behind Mobile. By the mid-1900s, Birmingham had overtaken Mobile and become the largest city in Alabama. In the present day, Birmingham has a population of over 212,000, making it the largest city in the state by a wide margin. Despite its large population, Birmingham's growth has slowed in recent years, making it unlikely to overtake any other city in the near future.

Written by

Caleb Kline, Mar, 10 2023